According to the Russian Ministry of Health, by the end of 2019, almost 6 million patients with mental disorders were recorded in Russia. And this is only those who officially sought help from specialists. In reality, this figure could be 4.5 times more, says psychiatrist Evgeny Nemtin. What is “Russian moping” – what mental disorders are common in our country and how to recognize them?
Anxiety disorders
Constant anxiety, often accompanied by a feeling of nervousness, trembling, tension in the body and autonomic reactions (dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, etc.). Phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorders are considered extreme forms of anxiety disorder. Their central element is fear.
The only way to get rid of this feeling of tension is to avoid situations that cause it. That is why people start to double-check several times whether the iron is off or not, whether the gas is shut off, call their loved ones more than once a day to find out if they are okay, etc.
Emotional instability
Most often manifested through explosive emotions that can not be controlled. And if in public places people can still restrain themselves, then among relatives and friends this control is almost completely lost. And then minor lapses, for example, unfulfilled lessons or scattered things, lead to uncontrolled aggression.
Alcohol and drug addiction
Alcohol and drugs are powerful antidepressants and tranquilizers. Initially, these addictions are not so much diseases as ways to relieve tension, lift the mood and fill the inner emptiness. And the underlying cause may lie elsewhere.
It is worth distinguishing between “domestic drunkenness” and “alcoholism”. The first is called a method of relaxation, relieving tension. There is nothing critical in drinking a glass of wine at dinner or a glass of beer Friday night. In such a case, only a mental dependence on alcohol can be formed.
But alcoholism is a compulsive urge to black out, when a person wants to get drunk and forget. In this case, both physical and mental dependence are formed: alcohol becomes an indispensable substance in the biochemical reactions of the body.
This condition is accompanied by irritability and weakness. All forces are spent on resisting oneself. People try to cope with the situation, to defend their boundaries through dysphoria (a form of morbidly low mood, characterized by gloomy irritability, a sense of dislike for others). And then resources are left only to lie around and watch TV.
This mental disorder is present in about 1.5% of the population. The most common of its manifestations are considered oddities in thinking, delusions, violation of volitional processes (unwillingness or inability to do anything). In addition, an optional but extremely unfavorable symptom of schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations.
Sexual disorders
They can be divided into two groups. The first includes dysfunctions (decreased libido, frigidity, impotence, anorgasmia, increased sexual disinhibition, shyness and guilt associated with sexual manifestations, etc.). They are often symptoms of other mental disorders, such as anxiety and emotional disorders.
The second group includes non-standard sexual urges that the person himself cannot accept. That is, he feels discomfort with his sexual expression (transsexualism, homosexuality, pansexualism, any sexual fantasies, etc.).
Eating disorders
Often manifest in two forms. Reduced appetite (extreme variant – anorexia) and increased appetite (bulimia).
Anorexia is critical weight loss when the BMI becomes less than 17. The person wants to lose weight again and again, he resorts to extreme diets, laxatives and diuretics. At the same time, important body functions gradually begin to shut down. In women, the first manifestation of anorexia is the absence of menstruation. And after that, other vital organs fail.
Bulimia is a pathologically (unhealthily) high appetite. Not just overweight, but a compulsive and uncontrollable desire to eat. In severe cases, patients say that their stomach is already bursting with food, but they can’t stop and continue. In this disorder, there is no mental satiation with food. It is also not uncommon for people with this problem to purposely cause themselves to vomit – then bulimia can turn into anorexia.
This is a fairly common manifestation of a mental disorder. It is characterized by certain signs:
- prolonged low mood (more than 2-3 weeks);
- decreased concentration and memory;
- motor and volitional retardation.
A person is unable to solve his problems and constantly feels lack of strength.
We would like to emphasize that any mental disorders are only a symptom of deeper mental processes. Manifestations on the emotional, bodily and thought level are only the tip of the iceberg.
Medications (neuroleptics, antidepressants, and tranquilizers) can help remove the symptoms. However, they are not always able to solve the problem completely. Alternatively, you can sort yourself out and improve the quality of life by working with a psychologist or psychotherapist.
You should not engage in self-medication and self-diagnosis. At any manifestation of disorders, it is worth contacting a specialist who will provide the necessary psychological support and, if necessary, prescribe medication.