The expert has listed 8 reasons why black eyes occur

Anastasia Dubinskaya

scientist-psychophysiologist, specialist in neuromuscular facial rehabilitation

“Dark circles in the eye area – one of the most common aesthetic imperfections, which is faced by almost everyone. I will tell you why this defect appears and give recommendations on how to correct it”.

What we will tell about

  • Causes of bruises under the eyes

  • Prevention

Causes of bruises under the eyes

The prevalence of bruises under the eyes is explained by anatomical prerequisites. The skin in this area has a minimum number of layers, and through it are translucent blood vessels. In addition, there is almost no subcutaneous fat layer, which hides imperfections and gives the face a pleasant shade.

Because of these prerequisites, darkening of the skin not only often appears, but also difficult to eliminate. And in some cases, bruises are not correctable at all. This is the case if they are caused by one of two reasons.

Cause #1 – hyperpigmentation of the skin. This is a genetic trait that is inherited.

Reason #2 is the structure of the eyes. They can be deep-set or have an unusual shape of the orbit, around which there are failures. Then dark circles are caused by shadows – that is, they are just an optical effect.

In both cases, there are no subcutaneous defects, which means that it is impossible to eliminate them. Here cosmetic procedures can help: lipofilling or fillers based on hyaluronic acid. They form a subcutaneous swelling, making the area less dark. However, such procedures should be carried out strictly according to indications and proportion the possible effect with the risk of complications.

Also bruises under the eyes can be a symptom of pathological processes in other organs and tissues. So manifest themselves diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs, endocrine system.

Reason #3 – chronic diseases. Obviously, if any of them is suspected, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor and treat the main violation, and not to mask its consequences.

This is where the causes that can not be eliminated independently end. All the others are primarily related to lifestyle and are corrected by their own efforts.

Cause #4 – cervical osteochondrosis. Dislocated vertebrae and constant overstressing of the neck muscles make it difficult for blood to flow to the head. Capillaries become brittle and prone to hemorrhage. The outflow of venous blood, which has given up oxygen and nutrients, is also difficult. Since it is dark cherry in color, areas with thin translucent skin also become darker. Among the causes of osteochondrosis are overweight, sedentary lifestyle, stress, and hormonal disorders.

Cause #5 – increased strain on the eyes. Those who work long hours at the computer or spend a lot of time in gadgets, the blood flow in the eye area is disturbed.

Cause #6 – lack of oxygen in the blood. Oxygen deprivation causes the blood to darken and show through the skin more. Causes of this deficiency can be chronic fatigue and infrequent exposure to fresh air.

Reason #7 – bad habits. Smoking and alcohol provoke microbleeding, leading to darkening of the skin.

Cause #8 – thinning of the epidermis. With age, the superficial layer of skin thins throughout the body, but in the areas under the eyes it becomes noticeable first of all.


All these defects require a comprehensive approach.

  • First, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. More rest and spend time in the fresh air, get enough sleep, do not abuse gadgets, give up bad habits.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to restore the disturbed blood flow and get rid of muscle spasms. Complexes of exercises will release the vessels from compression, improve trophics (a set of processes of cellular nutrition) tissues, normalize the outflow of venous blood. And dark circles under the eyes will remain only in unpleasant memories and in unloved photos!
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