What hidden psychological problems can migraine speak about? Answered by a neuropsychologist

What hidden psychological problems can migraine talk about? Answered by a neuropsychologist

Bibigul Kushalieva

Bibigul Kushalieva

How are emotions and migraine related?

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We tell you what’s behind headaches other than physiological causes.

Bibigul Kushalieva

neuropsychologist, energy coach

In medicine, migraine refers to a type of headache that occurs due to vasoconstriction of blood vessels. However, this ailment has a different nature, which is explained by psychosomatics. It takes into account genetics and lineage, physical characteristics, family relationships and social life.

In the 30’s, psychoanalyst Franz Alexander, a physician from the University of Chicago psychoanalyzed a study that concluded that stress is often the frequent cause of diseases of the body.

What psychological problems are associated with persistent headaches?

If we close our eyes to medical factors, we can say for sure: people with low self-esteem suffer the most from migraines. This type of personality tends to severe self-criticism, unfounded anxiety and deliberately restricting themselves in freedom.

If we compare our head to an ordinary computer, we can say that from time to time it is subjected to overload due to certain information. In this case, the causes of “failure” are constant destructive thoughts, which contribute to the occurrence of migraine.

When day after day a person is busy being in an anxious and depressive state (“I will never succeed!” or “what should I do if…?”), the whole body suffers.

An overabundance of negativity manifests itself in the form of migraines. In other words, some negative thoughts and experiences literally give you a headache. This is confirmed by scientists.

What does lack of harmony and aggression have to do with it?

Often, severe headaches indicate a violation of harmony, when there is an imbalance between “want” and “need”. If a person’s desires are at odds with his or her abilities, there is tension between the left and right hemispheres. As a result of this mismatch, a severe headache can occur, which has psychological roots.

Another reason for the appearance of frequent attacks is the constant analysis of their actions or self-criticism. In this case, migraine begins when the body experiences overstrain.

Separately, it is worth noting that such an ailment is always characterized by a series of strong painful outbreaks, which can speak about the suppression of aggression within yourself. Furious negative thoughts, driven into the subconscious, are looking for a way out and spill out into a migraine.

When it is worth to turn to a psychotherapist

Sometimes even medication treatment of headaches does not remove unpleasant sensations to the end. In this case, it is worth seeking help from a psychotherapist, who will help to work through the existing problems.

The expert will tell you how to get rid of negativity and learn the right model of response. Often after finding inner harmony and eliminating psychological discomfort, the migraine goes away by itself.

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