What’s best not to do if you’re in a bad mood. 5 things you should put off until later

What’s best not to do if you’re in a bad mood. 5 things you should put off for later

5 things it's best not to do when you're feeling sick

Some of them can ruin not only your well-being, but also your reputation.

When we are in a bad mood, it can seem like everything is against us and every action around us is colored in dark dramatic tones. It’s easy to make a mistake or offend someone in this state. We tell you what you should definitely not do.

Anna Sedelnikova


All negative states and bad moods are not just an emotional disorder. A sudden change of feeling is as much a symptom as a runny nose when you have a cold. And all the negative states you experience are the result of distorted negative thinking and pessimistic views.

“Retreat” into yourself

When you are in a bad mood, you may experience excessive feelings of guilt, thereby making it harder to resolve the problem. Especially if you have an inherent perfectionism.

Make important decisions

While emotions are not under control and you are in a bad mood, you may inadequately assess a situation or circumstance. Therefore, it is better to postpone making decisions. Not without reason there is a proverb: “The morning is wiser in the evening”.

Saying everything to others

In a bad mood in your head a lot of thoughts, and not all of them are positive. Therefore, do not spill all the negativity on someone, thinking that it will become easier. Perhaps later you will regret a lot of what you said.

Enter into an open confrontation and argue

You risk losing a loved one, money, job, hobby because of a momentary outburst of anger.

Do things that require concentration

When you’re in a bad mood, you’re unlikely to be able to focus. Leave the laborious work for a better mood and state of mind.

Whenever you feel depressed and moodless for any reason, try to identify the negative thought that occurred just before the deterioration. In reality, it is the cause of your bad mood. By learning to track these thoughts and correct them, you will be able to change your state of mind. Read more about how to deal with negativity in the article at the link below.

What to do if you are in a bad mood

Nadezhda Pozharova

Practical psychologist, field therapist

From time to time we all find ourselves out of resource. There is a feeling of decline in energy or lack of interest in what is going on. Sometimes this happens right from the start of the day. It is very important to track the reasons for your bad mood.

In such moments, do not try to dig into yourself. If possible, avoid potentially dangerous situations: do not drive, do not ride a bicycle, do not hold urgent meetings where you need to make important decisions.

Try to support yourself: take a walk, take a bath, but do not stay alone with negative thoughts. Diving into the past – rereading correspondence, sad memories – can ruin your mood even more. Therefore, refrain from self-beating, try to cheer yourself up and please yourself with something pleasant.

Some people are uncomfortable being alone. What to do in this case, read in the material at the link.

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