What to do if burned in the sun. A doctor tells us

Svetlana Perez

certified clinical geneticist, nutritionist, expert of UniProf Academy of Physicians

What to do in case of sunburn? How to relieve the symptoms?

Hot summer days. Many people have gone on long-awaited vacations and hurry to bask in the sun. But no one is safe from sunburns, overheating and their accompanying symptoms: increased body temperature and painful sensations on the skin.

In summer there are even cloudy days, when the sun seems to be absent, and it seems impossible to get burned. But it insidiously peeks through the clouds, and the risk of getting sunburn is even higher than in the sunniest weather.

How sunburn occurs

Absorbing sunlight by melanocyte cells in the epidermis, the skin produces a dark pigment called melanin. Melanin has a protective function – it protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

This is a natural defense mechanism, but when the protection is damaged due to excessive UV exposure, a toxic reaction occurs, leading to sunburn. Sunburn occurs when UV rays damage the DNA in the epidermis, the top layer of the skin.

What medications to treat the burn

Of course, the first medication for sunburn is D-panthenol (Dexpanthenol) ointment or spray. This is a derivative of pantothenic acid, which is a water-soluble B vitamin. Pantothenic acid is necessary to maintain normal epithelial function, it stimulates skin regeneration, normalizes cell metabolism, increases the strength of collagen fibers, regenerates tissues, nourishes and softens the skin. If the burn is severe, it is better to use a spray, which does not need to be applied to the skin from a close distance.

Also, creams and ointments can be used to regenerate the skin and relieve inflammation:

  • Olazol, which contains sea buckthorn oil – anesthetizes the affected area and accelerates healing processes.
  • Hydrogel with tea tree oil – has a pronounced cooling effect, helps tissue healing, can quickly reduce skin temperature.
  • Alosol with aloe and chamomile – contains antibacterial and healing substances of plant origin; and many others.

What improvised remedies can be used

  • As simple improvised remedies are suitable sour-milk products – plain sour milk, unsweetened yogurt, whey or kefir. It is better to choose non-fat, light sour milk products. They will provide the skin with a protein nutrient layer, will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture and regenerate the damaged epidermis.
  • Juice from fresh cucumbers will quickly eliminate inflammation and moisturize the epidermis.
  • Ordinary grated potatoes in the form of a compress perfectly cools and relieves inflammation.
  • Decoction of white cabbage also cools the skin and relieves the pain of sunburn. Fresh cabbage leaves should be boiled a little (5 min.), leaves removed, decoction cooled and applied in the form of compresses to the site of the burn.
  • You can make a compress from a solution of calendula or ordinary tea brew, for this you need to dilute them with cold water in a ratio of 1:10. Drying water, having a cooling effect, relieves burning and pain.
  • Pumpkin pulp in the form of porridge, as well as ground burdock leaves into a paste will also relieve inflammation of the skin and help to restore it.

What else can be done with sunburns

Of course, you can not forget about drinking plenty of water. Replenishment of fluid loss is also necessary even with “external” burns. But how to lower the body temperature, if there is no pharmacy nearby and antipyretics? Compresses and cool showers help locally and briefly, and the body is exhausted by the increased degree and tired of constant irritation.

There are times when the only place that you can painlessly sit on is the area of the body covered by swim trunks or swimsuit, and there is simply no possibility to lie down and rest. In this case, you can drink 50 grams of ordinary vodka – a hot drink in a small amount will dilate the vessels, increase blood circulation, thereby increasing the body temperature from the inside and leveling the feeling of inflammation from the outside. And it will be possible to at least lie down and sleep. Provided you have applied soothing creams or compresses to the skin, the burning sensation will not be as severe in the morning.

Abuse of the drink is not worth it! Excessive consumption will in no way improve the symptoms of inflammation, but to dehydration can lead to dehydration.

Read here about why in the heat all the time want to sleep.

Do not use vodka externally for sunburns. Alcohol provokes active keratinization of the skin, accelerates the build-up of the surface layer of the skin. As a result, there is a blockage of pores, therefore, breathing of the skin is disturbed, and this leads to repeated inflammation. Alcohol attracts liquid, it, like a sponge, is able to suck water out of the upper layer of the dermis, further drying out the skin, which is already dry from the sun.

Use all of the above means can be used if you are faced with a small burn. But if it is severe and even more accompanied by skin damage in the form of water blisters or detachment of the upper layers with inflammation and infection of the lower layers of the dermis – it is important not to hesitate and consult a doctor.

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