What to replace chicken breast and buckwheat for an athlete on a lean diet? 5 healthy alternatives

Nata Gonchar

founder of the International Institute of Integrative Nutritionology

Many people mistakenly think that on drying you can eat only boiled chicken breast and unleavened buckwheat. But the diet can be varied and tasty, and the classic combination has a worthy alternative.

Drying is a special complex of nutrition, borrowed from professional athletes. The goal is to form musculature and beautiful relief of the body.

The main tools of nutrition in this system are protein products and a low-carbohydrate diet. The diet should consist of 80% of protein dishes. Cook food preferably steamed, baked or boiled, it is not forbidden to add a little olive oil to salads and cooked food.

In the process of drying should not be allowed to starve, food should be full and balanced, despite a number of restrictions.

During the low-carbohydrate diet it is forbidden to use sources of fast carbohydrates (flour, sweets, sweet fruits, sugar), dairy products, smoked meats, fried and fatty meats.

The diet on drying can be varied. The classic combination of “chicken breast and buckwheat” can be replaced by other dishes that fit the requirements of the food system.

How to replace chicken

Instead of chicken breast, choose turkey, shrimp, boiled squid.

Turkey meat

It contains amino acids, B vitamins, PP, E, sodium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Turkey contains about 120 kcal per 100 g and more than 20 g of easily digestible protein, thanks to which perfectly satiates, replenishes a significant part of the daily norm of nutrients.

Lean meat has a large amount of B vitamins, which improve digestion, help get rid of chronic constipation.

Shrimp and squid

An ideal source of protein, because 100 g of seafood contains more than half of the daily norm of the nutrient. Consumption of shrimp contributes to weight loss, because they accelerate metabolism several times.

Squid contains only 86 kcal, but more than 20 g of protein per 100 g of product. Seafood perfectly satiates, and extractive substances contribute to the normalization of the process of gastric juice secretion, which improves the digestive system.

Squid contain many vitamins, iodine, iron, amino acids, polyunsaturated fats and other useful nutrients that the body needs during the period of restrictions.

Squid is able to remove “harmful” cholesterol from the blood, protecting against the development of atherosclerosis (a chronic disease of the arteries).

Regular consumption of seafood helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, normalizes blood pressure, improves brain function and strengthens memory, helps to cope with edema (due to the high potassium content).

Squid is a great mood booster, helps to fight depression, migraine and anxiety – unpleasant companions of diets. On drying it is recommended to consume squid in boiled form.

How to replace buckwheat

Buckwheat is not the only source of complex carbohydrates, which is allowed to eat on a low-carbohydrate diet. It can be replaced by other cereals and legumes, such as quinoa, brown rice and chickpeas.

What happens if you eat only buckwheat for a whole week? Told in the link.


An ideal gluten-free cereal that is superior to buckwheat in terms of protein content (it contains about 14 g of protein per 100 g of product). Quinoa is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and contains omega-3 fatty acids.

The groats contain a lot of vegetable fiber, which helps normalize blood cholesterol levels, reduces appetite and cravings for sweets.

Before use, groats should be soaked for three to four hours in cold water, and then rinse well under running water. This will help to reduce the concentration of phytic acid in the grains, which interferes with the absorption of minerals.

Brown rice

The second most popular cereal among bodybuilders after buckwheat. Unpolished rice has a lot of gluten and rough fiber, so it satiates well and relieves hunger for a long time. Unlike white rice, it does not provoke blood sugar spikes.

Brown rice is rich in B vitamins, folic acid, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine and selenium. Rice improves digestion, helps eliminate excess water from the body, and replenishes magnesium.


Recognized as the main meat substitute in vegetarian diets. Chickpeas contain a lot of easily digestible protein, the properties of which are identical to the protein of chicken eggs.

It is an excellent source of slow carbohydrates and fiber, and the vegetable protein contained in legumes is well digested together with animal proteins. Chickpeas can be eaten along with chicken or white fish.

The consumption of chickpeas stimulates the production of gastrointestinal peptide, which is responsible for suppressing the feeling of hunger. That is why chickpeas are a great product for dieting, because even a small amount of groats for a long time quenches hunger, filling the body with nutrients.

Chickpeas reduce blood sugar levels, which protects against the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. And also improves the gastrointestinal tract and digestive processes, helps to fight constipation.

Here are listed 20 sweet foods that lower blood sugar levels.

When following a bodybuilders diet, do not forget the importance of a drinking regimen and adequate sleep. Be sure to get enough sleep, drink more pure water and do not be lazy to cook on your own.

Even from the suggested products you can prepare dozens of tasty and healthy dishes that will help you achieve the desired result without harming your health.

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