Why do pets become overweight? Not only people face this problem

Pets are very much like us. They know how to be happy and sad, feel the mood of the owner, try to play along and cheer up. Any owner of a cat or dog knows this very well. But there is something else in which we are similar. Animals are just as prone to weight gain as humans.

Fat and funny cats and dogs become heroes of memes on social networks and can not help but cause a sincere smile of users. But in reality, everything is not as fun as it seems. Obesity in pets is a big problem that needs to be fought. And it is better not to allow it at all. About how excess weight affects the health of the pet and how to prevent its appearance, we tell together with a veterinary nutritionist in a special project “Census of ponytails”.

Anna Suareau

veterinary nutritionist

To quote the writer Michel Montaigne: “Those who keep animals must recognize that, rather, they serve the animals than the animals serve them.”

Yeah, yeah, that’s right. We are responsible for those we tame. And if a pet is overweight, it’s entirely our fault. Let’s get into the details.

When do animals start to become overweight?

Not from birth, that’s for sure. All kittens and puppies are born at a healthy weight.

Anna: Puppies are not prone to obesity. But before the end of growth when overfeeding, they face another problem – forced growth. The baby begins to grow too intensively, which can lead to musculoskeletal problems. And if the owner continues to overfeed the animal, in adulthood the pet runs the risk of obesity.

A puppy should be changed from a “baby” diet to an adult diet when it has reached 90% of the body weight of an adult dog. Puppy menus are characterized by the volume of calories and a high content of vitamins and minerals.

Things are a little different with kittens. They grow quite smoothly, and overfeeding will just lead a kitten to obesity rather than forced growth.

We have good news for all pet owners. Media holding Rambler&Co in cooperation with one of the world leaders in the production of healthy food for cats and dogs Royal Canin decided to conduct a census of “tails” and find out what pets Russians share their homes with.

Two brands with a multi-million audience will count all domestic dogs and cats in the country: their owners will find like-minded people and their pets will find friends. A large-scale pet census is already online at perepis-hvostikov.ru. You need to specify the pet’s name, age, as well as who the pet is for you – a family member, best friend or companion. After registration, you will receive a census certificate. All those who register on the platform until December 31, 2021, will receive privileges and bonuses from Royal Canin on the purchase of food and treats for pets. You can definitely find the right healthy pet food for your pet from the brand.

Why do pets gain weight?

Pedigree predisposition to obesity. It is common in dogs. For example, Labrador retriever, dachshund, beagle, basset hound are among the unlucky ones. Owners of these breeds need to be extremely attentive to the diet of pets.

Castration. Castrated dogs and cats have a doubled risk of developing obesity.

There is no unified opinion on how the procedure affects weight gain. But, presumably, it is due to impaired eating behavior and decreased activity.

Diseases. Obesity in dogs can be associated with problems with the endocrine system.

Medication intake. In cats, a frequent cause of weight gain can be the intake of hormonal contraceptives. And the use of glucocorticosteroids (also hormonal drugs, but for treatment) can provoke an increased appetite. This means the pet’s weight will creep up.

A sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet. The most common and most logical causes of excess weight gain in any animal. It’s a vicious cycle.

How can weight gain affect health?

Certainly not in a positive way. Along with extra pounds come problems that you will have to solve together.

1. Reduced life expectancy.

Anna: A large-scale experiment was conducted with 48 Labradors. One half ate a restricted diet, while the other half ate what and how much they wanted. The experiment is quite interesting, but I’ll get straight to the conclusions. The dogs in the first group lived two years longer, and also the healthy diet slowed the development of chronic diseases (osteoarthritis).

2. Musculoskeletal diseases.

3. Diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

5. Cats are at risk of developing diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, and bladder problems.

6. Difficulties in surgical interventions and clinical trials.

How can I save my pet from possible obesity?

Remember, it is always easier to prevent a problem from occurring than to deal with it later. Here’s how you can keep your pets from becoming obese.

Feed portions. The portion is calculated based on the number of calories your pet should consume. It depends on his physical activity.

Anna: The owner knows that his cat or dog should eat, for example, 200 g per day, and this portion is divided by the number of feedings per day.

Calculate how much the animal should eat, a veterinary nutritionist will help, if you feed the pet a natural diet. With industrial food, everything is much easier – the portion can be found out on the package, but just in case you can consult with a specialist. It will not be superfluous.

It is important to understand that the portion should be given for the normal weight of the animal. If the cat weighs 8 kg, and according to the norm should weigh 6, then the ration is calculated on 6 kg.

Do not spoil with treats and do not feed from the table. Animals also like tasty treats, but give them should be dosed.

Make the pet move. Even if the pet eats little, but is lazy, obesity will not make you wait long. This all happens because he will eat more calories than he expends. It’s just like humans!

Animal Fitness

There are many ways to help your pet be more active. The easiest option is to play with your pets at home. With cats it is easier to do this: just buy a toy and allocate a little more free time for socializing.

The most caring owners buy home game complexes for cats. There are floor versions – such designs are most often seen in pet stores, and this is the easiest way out for owners of mustached cats. There are more complicated options – wall-mounted. If you decide to make such a purchase, the pet will have a real city for training. The cat will climb into the complex, climb and run along the walls. And also, quite possibly, the complex will save you from the need to buy new curtains every month, on which furry friends are trying to climb on the ledge.

With dogs things are a little more complicated, especially with large breeds. Playing with a large dog in a small apartment is physically impossible. That’s why you have to take him outside. And there both man and dog will have a lot of room to play.

You can play with your pet in the ball or bagel – the latter are now very popular with dog owners. You can take your pet to a dog park, where there are plenty of barriers and obstacles to keep him busy. Or if you’re very active yourself, take your dog for a jog in the park. We’re sure you’ll have a great time together!

Advanced dog owners take their ponytail friends to specialized fitness clubs. Services range from weight loss work to injury rehabilitation. Dogs will be able to run on the track, swim in the pool and even relax with a massage. An experienced dog handler will be on hand to look after your dog.

There is another way to make the pet’s life more active – to get him a friend. This option is not suitable for everyone, but it still has its place. The pets will be able to play together and move around more.

Anna: Cats that live with dogs are less prone to obesity.

Specialists strongly advise not to neglect exercise. And this applies not only to problems with weight gain. The fact is that the animal can develop depression, because of which it will be very difficult for the owner to persuade him to any physical activity.

In any case, the problem with weight gain should be solved comprehensively: a healthy diet, regular physical activity, visiting a veterinarian to monitor the state of health. Therefore, if you want your pet to be healthy and happy, prepare to devote a lot of time and budget to it.

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