Useful exercise for thighs and buttocks. How to do sumo squats correctly?

The squat is one of the most popular exercises for legs and glutes. But there are many techniques for performing it. In this article, we will deal with sumo squats – this variation is performed with a wide stance of the feet and turning the legs to the side. Unlike conventional squats, they give a greater load on the driving muscle of the thigh and buttocks, rather than on the quadriceps.

Alexander Prikhodko

Fitness expert of the club “Bionica Biohacking Fitness on Vernadskogo”

Sumo squats work the hips, glutes, as well as the abs and back muscles to maintain proper body shape. The back of the thighs and buttocks are the main focus of the exercise, so the pelvis is pulled back as far as possible while leaning forward slightly.

The benefits of sumo is to strengthen the muscles of the legs, back and bark, increasing strength and endurance. It also improves blood flow to the muscles, allowing them to work harder. And an important benefit for many is helping to get rid of cellulite. However, improperly performed squats can lead to injuries to the knee joints and back, so it’s important to watch your technique.

How to perform sumo squats correctly?


  • Stand with a wide stance, the direction of the heels should be slightly inward, and the toes – outward.
  • Take the barbell so that the distance between your hands is slightly wider than your shoulders. Your arms should be straight with your palms facing your body.
  • As you inhale, bend your legs at the knees and squat down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Exhale at the lowest point, rising to the top.
  • Make sure that your knees move in the same plane as your toes and do not go beyond them.

What to pay attention to?

The distance between the legs plays an important role – the closer they are to each other, the more the quadriceps are engaged, and with a wider setting the emphasis goes to the buttocks and thigh biceps.

The main mistake when performing is a slouching back and hunched shoulders, so control the position of the spine.

Sumo squats with dumbbells are performed in the same way as with a barbell, only the weight in this case should be held at shoulder level. In the case of a kettlebell, it should be held between the legs on outstretched arms.

Women should not use too much weight to avoid injuries and overloads in the hip joints. It is better to increase the number of repetitions, not the load. Men can use heavier dumbbells and barbells, but you should still increase the weight gradually.


To be healthy, first of all, you need to avoid harming your body. If you have problems with knee and hip joints, there are diseases of the spine, such an exercise can cause damage, so it should be avoided.

Consult a specialist if you have been diagnosed with hypertension, cardiovascular disease or varicose veins. If you have weak cortical muscles or are not allowed to perform exercises with weights, sumo squats can be done without the use of a projectile.

How do sumo squats differ from pliés?

The name “plie” refers to ballet, this position involves squatting with legs wide apart, with the feet turned outward so that they form a straight line between them. This technique helps to work the inner part of the thighs.

The difference between sumo squats and plié squats lies in the placement of the legs. In plie squats, the width of leg placement is much wider than in sumo. This is to stretch the adductor muscles more. In Sumo style, the toes are turned a little more to maintain stability, and they are directed towards the knee: the wider the stance, the wider the toe is turned.

Pliés, on the other hand, are performed with a less wide stance, but with the feet pointing outward. The load here is transferred to the outer and inner part of the hips. Also, the pelvis in plie squats is not pulled back, but moves strictly vertically, the movement occurs solely due to the bending of the knee joint.

How to perform plie squats correctly?


  • Spread your legs wide, with your toes pointing outward as much as possible.
  • Keep your back straight, it should remain vertical throughout the exercise.
  • Place your hands at your sides or in front of you. If you use weights or dumbbells, hold them between your legs.
  • As you inhale, perform a squat without shifting the position of your spine.
  • Lower yourself to a position parallel to the floor.
  • Then lower yourself a little deeper and hold for three to five seconds.
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position.

This exercise involves the following muscles: large adductor muscle, large gluteal muscle, rectus femoris muscle, medial broad muscle and lateral broad muscle of the thigh, as well as the flabellar muscle. It is important to hold the apparatus close to the body on the outstretched arms so that the weight is lifted by the leg muscles and not by the back. Beginners can also perform this exercise without weights.

To achieve beautiful buttocks, you need to engage all the muscles, and for this you can alternate different exercise techniques. Sumo squats and pliés have a different effect on the look of your legs and buttocks. Do not be afraid to experiment, because it will lead to the desired result faster.

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