It is rare to find clean, smooth, even skin. According to WHO statistics, almost 70 percent of the world’s population have various kinds of neoplasms on their bodies. As a rule, it is the result of heredity, emotional overload, diseases, immune system failure. But this is no reason to get upset.
Dermatologist JSC “Medicine” (Clinic Academician Roytberg)
Most formations do not have serious consequences, and they can be easily removed. These include papillomas. There is no need to worry if they have been damaged.
Papillomas are often harmless. But before embarking on cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to consult with doctors, take the appropriate tests.
Acrochordons – this is how papillomas are called in medical practice. They are soft elastic formations on a narrow base, skin-colored or weakly pigmented.
Papillomas are located on areas of delicate skin prone to friction: on the neck, the area under the breasts, armpits, abdomen and groin. These formations are benign.
Often the cause of papillomas is viral in nature, but there is also a hereditary factor. If parents have such formations on the skin, there is a high probability that the child will be prone to their appearance.
The presence of papillomas is a sign that the body has malfunctioned pancreatic organs. Metabolic syndrome is violated, there is insulin resistance (metabolic disorder).
It is necessary to adjust the state of health, monitor the level of glucose and fat deposits, as well as seek help from a doctor and undergo appropriate research.
What to do if the papilloma has been damaged
If you have peeled off a papilloma, you need to treat it immediately and come to a doctor’s appointment. When traumatized, formations bleed a lot – so the wound can be treated with hydrogen peroxide and sealed with a band-aid.
After the doctor will prescribe tests and choose the necessary method of therapy. Self-treatment of the site of injury is not safe.
The main methods of treatment of papillomas
When papillomas appear, the main method of treatment is their removal with the help of modern treatment methods: Surgitron (radio wave machine), coagulator (electrosurgical device), laser, cryodestruction (application of liquid nitrogen). The choice of removal method depends on the localization and size of the formation, the patient’s preferences.
In the area of the skin from which the papilloma was removed, there may be redness, pain, swelling. As a rule, these reactions pass within three to four days.
The healing time of the wound depends on the method of papilloma removal, the characteristics of the patient’s body, the localization and size of the formation. At the same time, full recovery of the skin can take several months.
Care for the skin after papilloma removal should be cautious. Do not traumatize the wound, within a day to wet it, be exposed to the sun for more than 10 minutes, sunbathe, visit the bath, swim in the pool and open water within three weeks after the procedure.