Who are scoofs and how not to fall into their ranks? The whole truth about the type of men over 35

Scoofs, tubes, chechiks, masiks and strokes – this is how modern men are classified in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. Some definitions have pleasant characteristics, even though they sound quite jargon, and some are quite negative. In the category of the latter do not want to get into the category of any man.

Divided in the Internet community representatives of the stronger sex by appearance, character, lifestyle, preferences. Let’s analyze the category of skufa. Where did this definition come from? How do skufas differ from masiks? And what should be done to destroy stereotypes about the appearance and behavior of men after 35?

Who are skoofs?

10 years ago, the definition of skoof was familiar only to a narrow circle of people discussing on certain web sites. And only in 2021 the word went beyond the closed group and became popular with a wide mass of people. Especially actively it is used in the youth environment.

Skoof – a negative characteristic of men in their 30s, who have stopped caring about their appearance and have no plans for life. They do not want to improve and labor. As a rule, they have a “beer belly”, which is a consequence of eating unhealthy caloric food and a large amount of alcohol. Scoofs are indifferent to sports. They relax by lying on the couch.

Men of this type have a family, children, are fond of computer games. They are not ambitious, afraid to change their usual mode of the day and place of work. It is believed that skoofs adhere to conservative views, criticize innovative ideas, express dissatisfaction with others.

Where did the definition of “skoof” come from?

Skuf is an abbreviation of the last name of the blogger Alexei Skufyin. He was the creator and moderator of the web forum “Dvach”, where strict anonymity was observed. After a quarrel with one of the users of the imageboard, his identity was declassified, photos and other personal data were leaked to the Net.

Alexei Skufyin was harassed by haters for his appearance and views. After the surname was shortened to skuf, and people with similar appearance and beliefs began to be called by this definition. The word became a noun.

It is worth noting that after the brutal heath Alexei Skufyin stopped posting messages on the web platform and disappeared from the infopolis. There is a version that he was blocked without giving him the opportunity to express himself.

Who are called skoofs today?

From the name of his own skuf became a trend and a meme. In runet found a lot of both supporters and defenders of Skufyin’s position, and people with opposite views on life. Under his definition fall even women, who are called skufyny. The word was also transformed, and the verb soskufit appeared. He means to become a skuf.

Of course, it did not do without selebrities and famous movie characters. Internet users immediately began to look for scoofs among stars, public figures, bloggers. So, the actor Leonardo DiCaprio fell under the definition. In social networks and on various forums considered that in some period the Oscar-winning actor began to follow his appearance and take care of himself less.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio

Now in disputes, especially on Internet platforms, the definition is used to belittle the opponent, pointing to his unattractiveness.

Someone treats the word with a share of humor. They believe that every man after 35 can become a skuf. Many do not even hesitate to call themselves the heroes of the meme.

In contrast to skoofs use the definition of masik. Such men are considered sweet, responsive, empathic. They take care of themselves, realizing the importance of sports for their future, watching the internal psychological state. It is pleasant to communicate with them, and it is believed that masiks will never enter into an argument, wanting to find compromises.

How not to become a skuf?

Everyone chooses their own path of development. But if you do not want to fall under the negative assessment of the public and realized the importance of sports for your health, then it is never too late to start. The main thing is to follow the rules of moderate training and realize that after 30 years it is also possible to get your body in shape. But the result cannot be quick.

Mikhail Prygunov

FitStars top fitness trainer, master of sports in bodybuilding in Russia

“Everyone has an individual life story that either pushes them to start exercising or not. A person starts to do something and changes for the better or stays in the same state. Perhaps he does not have such a need at all. But if there is a desire, you need to take care of yourself.

Where to start?

Formulate a desire – clear and understandable. It must be strong. Only a conscious and clear intention turns into a result. You can just plan, draw dreams in your head, but do nothing. Continue to lie on the couch and trust in fate. And only when you really catch fire with the intention to change your daily regimen and lifestyle, then you can move on to real action.

How to start exercising?

Let it be trivial, but you should start with simple exercises at home: squats, push-ups, cardio exercises, incremental steps, arm raises. Repeat as much as you can. At first, even such simple actions can be given with difficulty, but over time, laziness will recede, you will see the results.

Further you can complicate and gradually increase the intensity. Do not go to the gym immediately if you are untrained, overweight, weak atrophied muscles. When an inexperienced athlete tries to show the maximum of his abilities, he can get injured. Move from simple to complex, do not overdo it.

It is also worth remembering that sport is not a quick magic pill. A person after 35 years old, who has never done anything like this and leads an unhealthy lifestyle, will not be able to see the result in a month of training immediately. It may take years. As we age, the need to put in more effort in order to achieve results increases.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that “you should not deny yourself anything, you should be comfortable”. This is fundamentally wrong, in my opinion. It is important to get a grip on yourself and start doing something. Get out of the comfort zone that led you to your current deplorable state. Only then will you be able to perform well in sports and reduce your health problems.

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