Why we feel so sad after a vacation. Psychologist named 5 reasons

Few people return from vacation rested and full of energy. After all, it is not without reason they say: “No one needs a vacation as much as the one who has just returned from it”. Why does this happen and what can be done about it?

Peter Galigabarov

Peter Galigabarov

practicing psychologist, author of books on psychology, art therapist, schema therapist

Where does the feeling of emptiness after returning from a trip come from?

Pleasant fatigue. If we have to walk a lot on excursions, overcome our own strength, dive underwater with equipment – endorphin is synthesized, leading to euphoria. Pleasant fatigue is especially manifested in people with hypodynamia, most of the working time spent in chairs behind monitors.

New acquaintances. If you rest with a pleasant person or get acquainted with such a person on the road, oxytocin is synthesized. Unity with other people, the feeling of being part of society – a kind of happiness (to be not alone).

Why after a vacation nothing pleases

When the vacation passes the half, often covers the “post-vacation syndrome” – unwillingness to return to the “gray everyday life”, to go to work. Why does this happen?

Abrupt change of environment. As a rule, returning from vacation to work causes irritability and laziness. In addition, before this you still need to pack, fold a suitcase, survive the flight. All this provokes the production of stress hormones – cortisol and norepinephrine.

Unloved job. “Again to see the head”, “Again get up at dawn”, “I hate my job” – from such thoughts, the mood tends to zero. Especially if you put off an important report or a major project until after your vacation.

Lack of rest. If you rested in business (in the vegetable garden, dacha, at home, repairs and so on), you did not rest. A change of activity does not always allow you to relax, switch and recover.

Exaggerated expectations. If you built illusions about vacation time (to find a new hobby, to meet a romantic partner and so on), you could remain disappointed in the outcome.

Health issues. Fatigue after a vacation can be due to problems of a physiological nature. For example, lack of energy and rapid fatigue can speak of a hidden iron deficiency. And insomnia and lethargy can be due to the fact that the vacation disrupted the usual sleep pattern.

How to return satisfied after a vacation

Do not build illusions about the vacation, running thoughts into the future. Strive to be “here and now,” in the present moment. Mindfulness-style mindfulness practices can help you do this.

Track your thoughts and, if you hate your job, dedicate your vacation not to the beach, but to finding something to do that will inspire you.

Plan your vacation schedule in advance, taking into account acclimatization time. Leave a couple days after returning from your trip to deal with household issues and recover from the move.

Don’t abuse chemicals on vacation (alcohol, smoking) and try to maintain a regular sleep and exercise schedule. If you do yoga every morning, it’s not worth giving up a healthy habit for the duration of your vacation.

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