4 unexpected consequences of diabetes you might not have known about
Every 20th person in the world has this disease.
Doctor of nutrition, gastroenterologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, clinical pharmacologist, head of AlfaBiom company.
What are the implicit consequences of diabetes mellitus?
In recent decades, there has been an increase in the incidence of diabetes mellitus worldwide. According to experts of the World Health Organization (WHO), over the last 40 years the number of people with this diagnosis has grown from 108 million to 422 million. Today, almost everyone has a relative or acquaintance suffering from diabetes. We tell you about the consequences of the disease, which are not so obvious.
Why diabetes mellitus develops
The main reason for the increase in the incidence of the disease is lifestyle:
- low physical activity;
- improper nutrition;
- smoking;
- alcohol abuse;
- chronic stress;
- increased sugar intake;
- increased consumption of foods high in glycation end products (e.g., fried meat).
Read about foods that help control blood sugar levels in the material at the link.
What are the non-obvious consequences of diabetes mellitus
The insidiousness of diabetes is that, if you do not control the level of glucose in the blood, complications develop gradually. And can be imperceptible to the patient for several years. In this case, the person is not particularly concerned about anything, which means that there is no reason for examination and treatment.
First of all, the eyes, kidneys, nervous system and heart are under attack.
Vision deteriorates
This process is called diabetic retinopathy – a decrease in vision due to damage to the retina.
Decreased sensation
In people with diabetes, nerve conduction is impaired, that is, general sensitivity is reduced.
Kidney function is impaired
The kidneys and the entire detox system of the body start working worse. This leads to drowsiness, a constant feeling of fatigue, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms.
Wounds take a long time to heal
Diabetes mellitus can lead to infectious complications. It is more difficult for the body to heal a wound quickly, especially if bacteria has gotten there. This often results in pustular skin lesions and cuts take longer to heal than usual.
Do not self-diagnose and self-treat. Make a specific diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after conducting the necessary tests.
Diabetes mellitus is primarily a lifestyle disease. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure it, but it is quite possible to live with the diagnosis. The main thing in this case is a high level of consciousness and motivation. It is necessary to control the glucose level and maintain it in optimal values – this will reduce the risk of complications.
How to understand that you have diabetes mellitus, read the article at the link.