Battle of the figures. Why is being strong better than being thin?

A University of California study noted, “Girls lose weight all the time, the phenomenon has no seasonality factor and no reference to a time period.” And it’s really very hard to argue with that.

Fashion on the wasp waist has already provoked the emergence of such diseases as anorexia and bulimia. And this is not the scourge of the XXI century – one of the most common problems in secular Russia XVIII-XIX centuries were fainting, provoked by too strong corset tightening. If we approach the issue from a purely biological side, many types of figures given to us from birth, simply do not provide a clearly defined waistline.

And all this race becomes a meaningless pursuit of an unattainable ideal. Eternal exhausting diets, poor health and mood because of constant restrictions (not only in food) – we destroy not only our body, but also our psyche, undermine the nervous system.

But do not be frightened, this is not a call to eat everything in a row and go along with your desires and laziness. The new trend in the world of healthy lifestyle is not to be thin, but slim and strong.

In our selection we have collected the accounts of five beauties, who in the race for a wasp waist bet on their health. All these girls competently combine aerobic and strength training, watch their diet, and do not torture the body with grueling diets.

Model Anna Cheri – @anacheri

The girl’s motto is very simple: “You want – eat a donut, you want – ice cream, but in the evening we will definitely meet in the gym and work it all out.” Such an approach is tempting, but, of course, it is clear to all subscribers that such “cheatmills” Anna could afford to afford already when the main way to achieve her shape was passed.

In her posts, the model admits that she feels very harmonious in the body in which she is and is not ready to sacrifice her appetizing forms for the sake of the arrow of the scale showed a little less.

Fitness trainer Kayla Itsines is @kayla_itsines

Kayla’s account consists not only of helpful workout routine videos, but also a selection of motivating before/after photos with girls who are already working out on her programs. Strength and functional training are at the core of the renowned trainer’s fitness approach.

All of Kayla’s programs involve switching to a proper, regular diet. No grueling diets, you will have to exclude only the most harmful things, but it’s worth it, right?

Model Claudia Alende – @claudiaalende

Brazilian Alende has already gathered more than 10 million fans of her forms on her page.

In her posts, the girl tells how important it is to recover after workouts, often tries detox programs and fashionable products to keep the skin toned. It’s hard to judge the objectivity of the reviews, knowing that the model earns money from her social media accounts, so we recommend using her photos solely for motivation before going to the gym.

Fitness trainer, dancer, instagram mom Sonya Neks – @sonya_neks_

Our answer to the perky Americans is the charming Sonya Nex. Those who have been following her account for a long time know that Sonya used to teach dancing and participated in dance TV shows, after which she went into fitness and has been inspiring her followers with motivational posts about proper nutrition, drinking and training for several years now.

And not so long ago the petite beauty became a mom and actively shares in her profile information about recovery after the birth of a child.

Phytonyashka from Kazan Anastasiya Anikina – @anastasiyaanikina

The motto of all successful people is “Do it yourself”. And it absolutely comes to mind when viewing Nastia’s profile. The fitness model, and since recently also the creator of a popular line of underwear and swimwear really combines the two main principles of her brand – simplicity and sexiness.

The girl herself is happy to share her recipe for achieving the goal, tells about training, posts videos, recommendations on the choice of grooming cosmetics.

Strong and beautiful girls energize and motivate to buy a gym membership or go for a run today. Being healthy means being productive and happy. It’s high time to take note that health is much more important than the proverbial beauty standards. Listen to your body and be motivated by the beauties from around the world in our selection.

What’s your favorite body type?

SportFitly - 运动、健身和健康

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