Climate change and human activity are having a detrimental effect on nature. Already our generation will see significant consequences. For example, the foodstuffs we are used to will disappear. At the same time, scientists blame not only global warming.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the Scientific Council of Biomedical Holding Atlas
Products may disappear not because of the influence of natural factors, but because of their increased cost due to artificial limitation of production. Which products will be affected first of all?
Artificial limitation of production will affect the availability of animal meat on store shelves. Thus, it is already being replaced in European countries by vegetable meat. What is it? A product that fully imitates the appearance, taste, smell. The basis includes vegetable proteins (soy and pea protein, wheat gluten).
Foie gras
May disappear and foie gras because of the high cost of its production, as well as due to the growing activity of animal protection communities. Most likely, and this product will find a replacement in the form of an analog of vegetable origin. If real, cultured cream sour cream is almost non-existent in the U.S., liver will definitely be dealt with.
Coffee and cocoa beans
Natural coffee may disappear due to climate change. In the last 10 years, for example, temperatures in the mountainous areas of Colombia where the beans are grown have risen by half a degree. This has caused insect pests to move higher up the mountain to the coffee plantations.
As a consequence, yields are decreasing. This means that in the near future this beverage will become an expensive pleasure. The situation is similar with cocoa trees, the fruit of which is used for chocolate production.
Following coffee, we will lose tea. The bushes, which grow exclusively in tropical and subtropical mountain forests, are hypersensitive to global warming as well as pesticides. This affects the price of cultivation. As a consequence, production will drop drastically in the near future.
This product, too, has a dire future ahead of it. The plant, which grows in large quantities in drought-stricken Mexico, is in danger of being wiped out. Growing 1 kg of avocado requires 600 liters of water.
Because of this, the cost of production is inexorably rising. And the process will continue. Over time, production volumes will be reduced to a minimum.
Seafood and fish
Global warming will make adjustments in the consumption of marine delicacies. In addition, the population has not had time to recover due to active fishing. This pace risks depriving mankind of seafood as early as 2050.
Now this berry has a fairly high price tag, but soon it will increase in times. Only the richest inhabitants of the planet will be able to afford to buy blueberries. The reason is the extinction of bees, which occurs due to climate change.
Blueberry blossoms depend on pollination: hence, the reduction of the insect population will cause problems with yields.
The mass death of bees will also lead to a reduction in honey production. The population of these insects has been declining rapidly for decades. In recent years, their number has decreased by 40%. In addition to producing honey, they are an essential element of the ecosystem.
Citrus fruits
A shortage is expected in the sale of citrus fruits (oranges, lemons and tangerines). This is influenced by climate change and poor environmental conditions. But that’s not all.
The main problem is in the “yellow dragon” disease, which develops due to Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus bacteria. A mutation of taste and odor occurs, and the fruit will stop ripening. Unfortunately, the citrus trees will soon die. Artificial flavorings will be used.
In the near future, the popular Cavendish banana variety will become extinct. The reason is a fungal disease called “Tropical Race 4”. The name came from the speed of spread, which is very high. The fungus kills the root system of the fruit. As a result – all nutrients are not absorbed, including water.