“Learned to sleep anywhere.” For three months she used a slant board instead of a mattress
professional philosopher and orientalist, mentor of experts in the field of self-development When I was young, I was fond of ascetic practices, among which was vigil at night
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Is it true that a person can endure a temperature of -70°C provided there is no wind?
doctor, freediving and walrus diving specialist, resident of InsightPeople production center Let’s consider the most extreme variant, when a person finds himself in severe frosty conditions without clothes
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Hand tremors and sleep problems. Nutritionist named 10 signals of malnutrition
nutritionist, nutritionist, member of the National Society of Nutritionists and Nutritionists Malnutrition can lead to a variety of negative health consequences. Therefore, it is important to make sure
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An endocrinologist has compiled a list of hormones that affect aging
Candidate of Medical Sciences, endocrinologist at FNAC FMBA of Russia Hormones play a key role in the aging of the human body. With age their production slows down.
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How can you tell by the condition of your tongue what is wrong in your body? The doctor listed nine symptoms
The human tongue can tell us a lot about the state of health. For example, examination of this organ as a diagnostic method is a specialty of traditional
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What should I do if I get a cockroach, hair or glass in a dish at a restaurant? Answered by a lawyer
What should I do if I get a cockroach, hair or glass in a dish at a restaurant? Answered by a lawyer Kristina Cherkasova March 15, 2023, 17:15
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Why do we crave fatty, sweet or salty things before bedtime? A nutritionist has given 6 reasons
nutritionist, nutritionist, member of the National Society of Nutritionists and Nutritionists There is a scientific explanation for why we crave fatty, sweet or salty foods closer to bedtime.
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Can I exercise while wearing braces? Pros and cons
Progress does not stand still, and now we have access to modern methods of treatment and restoration of teeth. By contacting a trusted specialist, you can help yourself
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Neurologist named 8 reasons why a person wakes up at night at the same time
Today is World Sleep Day. Nighttime rest is essential for the health of both the brain and internal organs. But stress, hormones and other health problems “wake” almost
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What are the benefits of yeast-rich foods and what happens if you eat too much of them?
Yeast are living substances that are comparable in nature to mushrooms. But, unlike aspenberries and fly agaricides, they have a special way of reproduction. Researchers drew attention to
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