Grandfather of seven grandchildren is mistaken for a 30-year-old. Englishman Wilkinson reveals the secret of youth

Grandfather of seven grandchildren is mistaken for a 30-year-old. Englishman Wilkinson reveals the secret of youth

Oksana Potapova

Oksana Potapova

The youthful secrets of a grandfather who looks 30

Andy’s special diet includes cannabis seeds and red wine.

Andy Wilkinson from the English city of Coventry has achieved an incredible result in working on himself. He looks 30 years old, although in fact he is almost twice as old – he is already 56. Look at these photos and tell me: does this man look like he has seven grandchildren?

Wilkinson has three children (Claire, 37, Lee, 35, and Sarah, 33). The funny thing is that when walking with his daughters, it seems to those around him that he’s the girls’ boyfriend, not their father. “I know I look much younger than my age and people often make the mistake of looking at me. On vacation, I can walk around naked from the waist down with my abs visible. I’m starting to be approached by 30-year-old girls. Sometimes I am mistaken for my daughter’s partner. It’s embarrassing. Although my friends find it funny when I shock people by telling them I already have seven grandchildren,” Andy says.

Wilkinson is constantly being approached on Instagram by 20 and 30-year-olds asking how he can look so good at 56. According to Andy, he is flattered by such comments, and he replies that it is necessary:

  • sleep a lot in a dark room;
  • reduce your carbohydrate intake as you get older;
  • avoid stress and tell yourself everything’s going to be all right;
  • exercise no more than three times a week.

Genetics helps, but there really is no secret other than hard work and diet. Stress also ages you, so I try not to worry about anything. I have a personal mantra that says, “Everything will be fine.” It keeps me calm and helps me overcome everything.

Andy has mapped out his meal plan.


A medium slice of bread with a piece of salmon, two poached eggs and half an avocado. Then a bowl of chia and flax seeds mixed with blueberries. Plus hemp seeds and a tablespoon of peanut butter with almond milk.


Cajun chicken, two to three tablespoons of rice and broccoli, sometimes with a spoonful of coleslaw.

Stew of diced chicken, sweet corn and frozen vegetables. Or Thai (or Indian) chicken curry with two spoonfuls of rice.

Usually no snacks, but sometimes a handful of almonds (or Brazil nuts) or an apple.


A small bar of 70 percent dark chocolate or a profiterole.


Three liters of water every day and rarely coffee or a glass of good red wine.

“Yes, I drink a lot of water. You can put all the creams in the world on your face, but water is more important than anything else when it comes to good skin,” Andy believes. – And as for working out, I usually work out three times a week for no more than an hour. I find that people sometimes train too much and get injured or don’t see the results they want. The body needs time to recover. I try to rest at least one day between workouts.

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