How to find out the degree of flatfoot and what does it mean?

Do you feel constant discomfort in your feet, all your shoes seem uncomfortable and your feet get tired even after a walk? All this may be signs of flat feet, a very unpleasant disease. What it is connected with and whether it is possible to do sports with it, we understand together with Olga Sivacheva, orthopedic doctor, specialist in physical therapy and sports medicine of SMC (Family Medical Center).

How to understand if there is flat feet?

Why did you even ask yourself this question? Perhaps you have encountered unpleasant symptoms of flat feet. They often include the following:

  • pain after walking for long periods of time, and sometimes pain can occur at rest;
  • difficulty in selecting shoes – most models seem uncomfortable;
  • after prolonged wear there is deformation of shoes;
  • you do not like the appearance of your feet.

If at least one of these points coincide, you should consult an orthopedist.

How to determine the degree of flat feet?

X-rays can be used to determine the relationship of the small joints of the foot and reveal osteoarthritis, deformity of the first toe and its degree, and old bone damage. The degree of flatfoot itself (there are four of them in total) is determined by calculating the angles and height of the arch of the foot formed by the bony structures. The ratio is as follows: the higher the degree, the lower the height of the foot. This means that the pain syndrome is more pronounced and not only the biomechanics of walking, but also the position of the body in space is disturbed.

Another diagnostic option is plantoscopy. It is performed with the help of a mirror table with lamps (plantoscope). But this type of study will not provide sufficient information to study bone and joint relationships. It is more often used in the early stages of flat feet to confirm or refute the flattening of the foot arch, to select individualized insoles.

What should you do if you have flat feet?

A podiatrist will be able to customize orthotic foot position correctors for your individual needs.

If you have a third or fourth degree of flat feet, you are likely to have pain when walking and osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. In this case, the orthopedist can recommend orthopedic shoes and exclude model (any other). And with a pronounced pain syndrome and severe osteoarthritis and zero effect from conservative treatment (wearing insoles, pharmacotherapy, physical therapy), surgical intervention is recommended.

Important: Each case is different. Do not engage in self-treatment – for timely help, consult a specialist.

What sports can be practiced with flat feet?

According to the orthopedist, having studied the radiographs, the doctor can recommend special gymnastics for the muscles of the feet. It will help improve blood circulation and microcirculation of blood vessels, relieve pain syndrome.

With all the frightening picture of the consequences of flat feet, you should not forget about activity. With flatfoot 1-3 degrees without pain syndrome, you can do absolutely any kind of sport. And if painful sensations are still present, it is necessary to conduct individual LFK classes for the feet.

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