How women manipulate men to get their way: 5 top techniques

Elena Bogotova

psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences

Manipulator – a person who always acts in favor of his interests. Someone is peculiar to apply manipulation at work, and someone in his personal life. The second to a greater extent refers to women. Their manipulations are known to everyone. However, this does not make it easier to recognize them. How to succeed here?

All female manipulations relate to the emotional-volitional sphere. That is why it is so difficult for men to recognize them. They are more accustomed to be guided by logic and analysis of the situation.

The essence of female manipulation comes down to one thing – the protection of her own territory and what she owns. A woman who manipulates a man considers him her property.

Why women manipulate

Several reasons can be distinguished here. They can combine.

1. Low self-esteem. If a woman manipulates, it means that she has a rather low self-esteem and is not confident in herself. She needs support and reinforcement of her state through controlling the person who is around her.

2- Lack of trust. The woman cannot trust herself. Her unconscious has a “my salvation lies in others” attitude.

3. feeling of helplessness. It is manifested as passive behavior, in which there is no motivation. The reason is a situation experienced in the past, which could not be controlled. Often manifests as illness.

4. Fear of close relationships. Manipulator painfully experiences his inferiority. His choice is formalized communication.

5. Thirst for approval. Here manipulation is used because of a strong dependence on public opinion and stereotypes.

How women manipulate

Here, too, there are options. They can be reduced to the basic 5 strategies.

1. Tears

This is the strongest manipulation. It can be singled out as the main one. A woman cries not because she feels bad. So she wants to get from a man what she needs. Of course, this does not mean that tears are always fake. They can be sincere. To understand, it is important for a man to clearly realize – whether he is really so guilty.

Why are tears such a popular strategy? Men are very afraid of them and can hardly stand it. Crying woman seems so defenseless that it is impossible not to feel sorry for her. It’s better to do anything to make this torture stop.

2- Restrictions in communication with children

Here we go straight to the category of forbidden methods – blackmail. However, a woman is able to present it very veiled. The man begins to fear the loss of contact with people close to him and goes on all terms.

This type is especially popular when divorcing spouses. Many women believe (wrongly) that this is the only way to influence the ex-husband.

3. trading intimacy

Here we also have the fact of blackmail, only the bargaining chip is not children, but intimate relations. This manipulation can also be cleverly veiled. In go go references to headaches and phrases like: “You do not deserve”.

Although experts and oppose this type of manipulation, women continue to actively use it. But there are risks here… A man may well find a way to close this need without involving his spouse.

4. the game of “silence”

Demonstration of their dissatisfaction or resentment – one of the popular types of influence on the man. And one of the most unpleasant. Why? A woman can be silent for weeks, and it eats away at the male psyche. Slowly and surely.

The goal is to create guilt. The outcome can be a man’s burst nerves or/and physical ailment.

5. Manipulation of scandals

It is much easier for a man to give in than to endure a tantrum. Knowing this, the woman still cleverly uses this technique. And in the process can connect all of the above options.

How not to give in

Avoid manipulative influence can be only one way – do not give in. To successfully implement this, it is important to be able to recognize the mechanisms. For this purpose, we have broken down the ten main strategies.

Advice for women – do not stoop to manipulation. Loving people should be able to negotiate peacefully and honestly. A woman is the guardian of the psychological atmosphere in the family, and this atmosphere is born first of all in her psyche.

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