Laysan Utyasheva, who has the “Willpower”

Having finished a career in big sports, not every athlete can realize himself and apply all his knowledge and skills away from endless championships, competitions and exhausting training. The famous Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports in Rhythmic Gymnastics, world champion and six-time European champion Liaisan Utyasheva is a pleasant exception to the rule.

Currently, in addition to working on the dance show Bolero and filming on television , together with her husband Pavel , Liaisan continues to develop her author s project “The Power of Will”. For me personally, as an ordinary person, this project is an organic combination of opportunities to reorganize my brain and transform my body. This project is about strength, about overcoming, about rehabilitation after severe trauma, about finding a new, harmonious inner self. This is probably the greatest achievement for a great athlete – to do something not related to his professional sports career, to direct his knowledge and all possible resources to give others the opportunity to become better.

– Liaisan, can you tell us how the idea for this project came to you?
– In interviews I was often asked how I look after myself, but many publications only pedaled what they were interested in and presented information in a one-sided way, often without consulting me. Perhaps it was time to generalize my experience and the experience of specialists and share it with people lost in the sea of information. Once it happened to me too, when I weighed 32 kg more. This is how an online course called “The Power of Will” came about. This is a family project that we are engaged in together with Pavel.

– The project is divided into two conditional parts “The Brain” and “The Body”. Is it effective to develop one without the other?
– The essence of the project is to pump not only the body, but also the brain. Each participant can choose the course he/she needs and is interested in, but we are in favor of complex development.

All courses are available remotely, for each program you need a laptop or tablet with Internet access and a little free time.

– What courses are currently available on the site and how can I join them?
– Twine in 60 Days, The Body: The Beginning, Online Flexibility Marathon, Gymnastic Tape, Nutrition Program are available now. You can sign up with Pasha for “Amplifier,” “Stand Up Humor,” “Humor: The Beginning 2.0,” and “How to figure out what you like to do.” You can read the descriptions, realize you need it, and join our courses on the website.

“Amplifier” – these are unique techniques of effectiveness that Pavel Volya has been using for 15 years. These are exactly the methods that will dramatically change you and your life for the better.

Pavel Volya on the Amplifyizer course:“I was ineffective for a very long time. When I lived in Penza, I spent a lot of time on all sorts of nonsense. And when I came to Moscow, so did I. In my opinion, for the first couple of years I didn’t do much of anything at all… It took a year and a half from the moment I cried to the moment I bought an apartment that was more than three times more expensive than the one I was living in. But my outcome can be measured in more than just money. Money is a consequence. I earned it because I became a different person. In fact, my whole life has changed…”

– Who helped you develop the courses for The Brain program?
– The Brain course is divided into several areas, the main ones being Humor: The Beginning and Humor: Stand Up. Pasha Volya’s good friends, the main authors of the Comedy Club program, helped to develop the courses. These are people with many years of practical experience in humor: Alexey Lyaporov, Alexey Poimanov, Ilya Romanko. These are people who feel humor with every cell of their body. Their opinion can be trusted.

– During the course, participants receive assignments, is there any feedback from your side for them?
– Of course! The strongest specialists communicate with all the participants of “Willpower”: psychologists, nutritionists, psychotherapists. I personally supervise each student. Our course has already passed more than 7 thousand people, they are satisfied with the results. We are also preparing a new “Women’s Club”.

– Liaisan, tell us what is the basis of your trainings? What goals do people who come to your program usually pursue?
– Very different ones. The most important thing is to set a clear goal: I want to remove my beer belly or lose weight to improve my personal life and please the opposite sex. Or I need to get in shape because I am interested in healthy offspring and longevity. The main goal is to become healthier after all.

Some courses are available on the site absolutely free of charge. Watch.

– How much time a day should I devote to working on my body to notice visible results?
– It is necessary to devote 15-20 minutes a day to exercise. Gradually we increase the load.

– Can I sign up for the course if it has already started?
– You can enroll in the course, but it is better to do it within the first week of the course start. A new stream starts every two months and you can always join it.

– Do you agree with the statement that 80% of bodybuilding is nutrition and 20% is training?
– We have “The Body: The Beginning” at Willpower. This course is just about the fact that those who like to eat also have the opportunity to keep a beautiful figure. We eat very good food, replacing harmful sugar with healthy ones, and we know when we can eat delicious things.

– Share one piece of advice or flyhack that has helped you a lot in your life.
– The most important thing is not to create any ideals for yourself, but to start with your health.

SportFitly - 运动、健身和健康

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