Scale and grandiosity that takes your breath away. Top 5 Russian dams

Vladimir Vinogradov

president of Pro-Vision, author of the Vinogradov.story community

“Travel to another city to see a dam? Why not! Especially since some of Russia’s hydroelectric power plants are indeed of great interest – from the engineering, architectural, and historical points of view. I am telling you about the five hydroelectric power plants that made the biggest impression on me.

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP (Republic of Khakassia / Krasnoyarsk Territory)

I had wanted to see the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP for a long time, so by the time of the trip I already knew the basic facts about it. The largest power plant in Russia, seventh place among the highest dams in the world. Impressive! However, the reality exceeded my expectations several times. The gigantic concrete structure strikes the imagination – against its background even the famous Wall from the movie “Game of Thrones” pales into insignificance. This huge structure cuts the Yenisei River, famous for its fullness and steep temper, without any apparent effort. Truly a miracle of engineering art.

When the initial shock passes, you start to notice with surprise that Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is not only a very large, but also an incredibly beautiful structure. Unlike conventional gravity dams (i.e. straight and heavy), this HPP has an arch-gravity design, which is expressed in lighter, more graceful forms. The curved contour gives rise to associations with the side of a flying saucer, which are only intensified in the evening when the dam and spillway are illuminated.

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

Chirkey HPP (Dagestan)

This hydroelectric power station was opened for tourists just a few years ago, and since then the flow of those who want to look at it does not dry up. The reason is not only the size (second place after Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP) and technologies, which at the time of construction were considered breakthrough, but also in how picturesquely the dam blended into the surrounding landscape. On the one hand – the majestic cliffs of the Sulak Canyon, on the other – the bright turquoise sea (in fact, of course, the reservoir, but such a landscape, rather expect to meet somewhere in the Kurils). The beauty, which naturally takes your breath away.

When getting acquainted with the Chirkeyskaya HPP I strongly recommend not to limit yourself to visiting the observation deck. Take a tour and go down into the “heart” of the dam, there is a lot to see there. When you look at the huge funnel of the tunnel spillway, reminiscent of the burrow of some prehistoric monster, a chill runs down your spine, and the national drawings on the walls, on the contrary, cause a feeling of warmth and even emotion. One expects something equally monumental from the design of a hydroelectric power plant of national importance, but instead there is almost “homely” ornamentation.

Chirkey HPP

Chirkey HPP

Krasnoyarskaya HPP

Do you remember how a ten-ruble paper bill looks like? Well, on its back is the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station. And in person it makes an incredibly strong impression.

First of all, the only ship elevator in Russia is of interest. The construction, which looks like a bathtub on toothed rails, allows transporting ships right over the crest of the dam at a speed of up to 20 meters per minute. The traffic on the Yenisei is quite intense, so if you are lucky, you will be able to see the work of the shiplift with your own eyes.

Unfortunately, Krasnoyarskaya HPP is still closed for free visit, but even to admire it from afar will be an interesting experience. I recommend doing it together with a guide to learn more about the structure and its history.

Krasnoyarsk HPP

Krasnoyarskaya HPP

Saratov HPP

Saratovskaya HPP stands out against the background of other large plants by its non-standard construction. The fact is that it has no spillway dam – the spillways are combined with the HPP building itself. By the way, the engine room of the Saratov HPP is the longest in Europe – its length is 1127 meters.

All guests are also interested in: what are these strange mechanisms towering above the station? And again there is no escape from the analogy with movies – most of all they look like AT-AT walkers from “Star Wars”. They are actually gantry cranes that are used to move equipment and operate gates. The house-sized mechanisms are amazing on their own, but even more awe-inspiring when they start moving! In order to operate them, the building was even equipped with a removable roof.

Saratov HPP

Saratov HPP

Nizhny Novgorod Hydroelectric Power Plant

At first glance, this dam does not seem particularly remarkable. It can boast neither huge size, nor eventful history of construction and operation, nor appearance in movies, nor grandiose plans for reconstruction. However, upon closer acquaintance one discovers a lot of interesting details.

What do you think of the machine hall, for example, which is designed in the traditions of Stalinist architecture? These pastel colors and characteristic arches cannot be confused with anything else. If it were not for the crane, which rises above the roof and with its appearance brings a note of disharmony to the overall architectural ensemble … The crane, however, also has an interesting story. During its construction, parts were delivered by rail, and to facilitate the labor of workers, the tracks decided to lay right inside the station. They run through the entire building and end at the entrance to the engine room.

Nizhny Novgorod HPP

Nizhegorodskaya HPP

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