Why were the Vikings so strong? Features of training and lifestyle of warriors

Vikings are famous warriors of Scandinavia, who were famous for their outstanding physical data. Their tall stature, muscles, formidable look, clothes made of animal skins, and colorful attributes inspired fear in their opponents and helped them win victories.

Northern seafarers made raids on neighboring states, and some historians compare them with pirates. In this respect they would be right. But let us not forget the harsh times and mores that forced people to go to such measures in search of sustenance, as well as in order to protect their lands.

Let’s leave the moral side of this question and turn to the mighty power of the Scandinavians. Why did they manage to go down in history with the biography of strong and statuesque warriors?

What should have been able to a real Viking?

For successful sea voyages Vikings needed a quality physical base. In addition to the ability to manage boats-drakkars, Vikings needed to have the skill to manage horses, as well as mastery of fighting techniques, if there was a need to engage in battle on land.

Timofey Bashlykov

sociologist, associate professor at the Lipetsk branch of the Finance University

According to archaeological data, the Vikings were quite tall and physically developed people. A good anthropometric base allowed them to become even stronger and more enduring through regular training. They included: running, wrestling, hand-to-hand combat, lifting and throwing stones and logs, long and high jumping, fencing, swimming, horseback riding, archery.

The Vikings also used a fairly wide arsenal of weapons and defenses: spears, swords, axes, shields, helmets, and chain mail. Throwing weapons – bows and darts – were used much less frequently. As a defensive formation on the battlefield they formed a closed formation – a “wall of shields”.

In real hand-to-hand combat, no prohibitions were observed. During the battle with the use of weapons, Scandinavian warriors actively used a large, round, wooden shield with a metal umbon. They not only defended themselves with it, but also struck at different parts of the body and at the enemy’s head.

With the sword, they tried to strike unprotected limbs, especially the legs were an important target. Even when armed, they tried to throw the opponent off balance by pushing, slashing, tripping and throwing.

But, in addition to battles, most Vikings had to work hard and hard physically. And the campaigns themselves also provided quite a high level of load. Drakkars were sailing and rowing, the number of rowers on them could reach 70 people. You can’t sail far with weak arms. That is why a beginner bodybuilder can envy the developed arms and shoulder girdle of Vikings.

According to a number of researchers, Viking children began to train early enough, from the age of three or four. The content of training was approximately the same as that of adults, of course, taking into account their physical capabilities.

We even have samples of children’s weapons – swords and axes reduced in size. According to sagas, some of their heroes already at the age of 12-13 years participated in campaigns.

What was the preparation and specificity of the Vikings’ battle?

Vikings won battles not only because of their strength and outstanding physical data. Courage, discipline and the ability to adapt to any situation on the battlefield brought up from childhood also played a big role.

Yuri Romanov

martial arts trainer-teacher of the fitness club “Zebra”

The specificity of Viking combat lay in their strategies and tactics. They often used their broad shield to fend off enemy attacks and move around the battlefield with a movement called “serpentine crawling”. Scandinavian warriors also learned to work as a team.

The harsh climate also hardened the Vikings’ character from childhood. Most training took place outside, even during snowstorms and freezing temperatures. Only occasionally, when bad weather made training difficult, they could be held indoors. Such living conditions made Scandinavian warriors hardy and strong not only physically but also spiritually.

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